To some, a doodle is merely what fills the blank spaces among algebra notes and work documents; but to others, with little hope of being the next Pablo Picasso or Leonardo DaVinci, they don't get museums, only blogs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I take a whiskey drink!

"What whiskey will not cure, there is no cure for."
~ Irish Proverb

     I am a fan of whiskey.  From Bourbon to Scotch, Irish to Canadian, local to exotic, & expensive to cheap as hell served in a dirty glass in a dive bar.  It gets you drunk, it makes you regret things, it's generally a pretty fun time.  I grew up around Jack Daniels mostly, always remember there being some in the house, coming out for various occasions and when I started to drink I found it to be a drink of choice early on in my life.

     I have found there are many ways to drink whiskey.  Straight, on the rocks, mixed with coke, mixed with ginger ale, mixed with 7up, a double shot, a triple shot, out of someone's belly button, etc.   But there is one way to drink something that I'm a little unfamiliar with (and I suppose this term could be used with any liquor).

     What does it mean to have a "belt" of whiskey?  How should a belt of whiskey be drunk, where and when should you have a belt of whiskey?  I have come up with a few theories.

               Do you chug a hefty amount straight from the bottle?                OR                   Do you take a small and quick shot from a shot glass?

Maybe you take a belt of whiskey from a Styrofoam coffee cup when you wake up on a Tuesday afternoon in a daze.

Or maybe a belt of whiskey is best taken from a flask when you're standing in a motel room looking a hooker in the eyes a start to think to yourself; maybe it IS a possibility your parents were right, and you did screw up your life at one point or another.

     Hookers aside, I would like to know what you think taking a belt of whiskey means!  Please let me know, any thoughts or comments you may have on this very sophisticated matter!


  1. I like to believe it is a utility device containing the many important elements of whiskey drinking. Perhaps three or four varieties, a few 20 oz. colas & ginger ales, a jigger, and a handful of shot glasses.... Maybe also a couple of Tylenol....

  2. that would be a whiskey BELT...

  3. I could use a belt of whiskey right now. So I guess it is the whiskey shot you drink at work after a 3 hour bus ride...

  4. maybe it means listening to some Whiskey Belt and drinking some Evan Williams from the bottle.

  5. My guess is either an amount in your glass as high as your belt (like 2"-3" similar to "2 fingers"), OR as in a belt that you would "tie on" to keep you sane.
